Spiritual attack
Prayer to God


In life, we often face challenges that go beyond the physical realm. Spiritual attacks can be just as real and impactful as any physical threat. When you find yourself under spiritual attack, turning to prayer can be a powerful and effective way to seek strength, protection, and guidance. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 points about how to pray when under spiritual attack, offering practical advice and spiritual insights.

Spiritual attack

Key Highlights

  • Recognize the Signs: Understanding the signs of a spiritual attack is the first step to addressing it. Common signs include fear, anxiety, negative thoughts, and a feeling of spiritual disconnect.
  • Create a Quiet Space: Finding a peaceful environment for prayer is essential. This space can be a room, a secluded outdoor spot, or simply a quiet corner where you can focus your thoughts.
  • Invoke the Divine: Start your prayer by invoking the divine presence you believe in. Express trust and surrender, acknowledging that you’re not alone in this battle.
  • Speak Your Heart: Be honest and open about your feelings, fears, and concerns during your prayer. Verbalizing your thoughts can provide clarity and emotional release.
  • Seek Protection and Strength: Ask for protection against negative forces and strength to overcome the spiritual attack. Visualize yourself surrounded by a shield of divine light.
  • Use Scripture or Affirmations: Incorporate relevant scripture passages or positive affirmations into your prayer to reinforce your faith and resilience.
  • Call for Spiritual Support: Don’t hesitate to seek help from your spiritual community. Prayer circles and group meditation sessions can amplify your intentions and provide additional strength.
  • Practice Gratitude: Find reasons to be grateful, even in challenging times. Express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life to shift your focus from fear to faith.

Common signs of spiritual attacks include

  • Intense Doubt: Feeling a sudden surge of doubt about your beliefs, purpose, or the existence of a higher power.
  • Fear and Anxiety: Overwhelming fear, anxiety, or panic attacks that seem to come out of nowhere.
  • Temptation: Strong temptations towards behaviors or actions that go against your spiritual values.
  • Emotional Distress: Sudden and unexplainable emotional turmoil, such as depression, anger, or despair.
  • Physical Ailments: Unexplained physical ailments or illnesses that seem to have no medical cause.
  • Negative Thoughts: Persistent negative thoughts or a feeling of being spiritually attacked or oppressed.

1. Recognize the Attack

The first step in addressing a spiritual attack is to recognize it for what it is. Acknowledging that you are under spiritual attack can empower you to take action. Pay attention to the signs mentioned above, and if you believe you are under attack, don’t ignore it. It’s essential to confront the issue head-on through prayer.

2. Find a Quiet Space

To engage in effective prayer during a spiritual attack, it’s crucial to find a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus without distractions. This environment will help you connect more deeply with your faith and your inner self.

3. Center Yourself

Before beginning your prayer, take a few moments to center yourself. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and let go of any negative or distracting thoughts. This will help you create a receptive and focused mindset for your prayer.

4. Call Upon Divine Protection

Begin your prayer by calling upon divine protection and guidance. You can address God, a higher power, or the specific deity you worship. Ask for protection from negative spiritual forces and for strength to overcome the attack.

Sample Prayer
“Dear [God/Higher Power/Deity], I come before you in this moment of spiritual attack. I seek your divine protection and guidance. Please surround me with your light and love, shielding me from negative influences. Grant me the strength to overcome this challenge and restore my faith. In your name, I pray. Amen.”

5. Use Scripture and Affirmations

Scripture and positive affirmations can be powerful tools during spiritual attacks. Consider using verses from your sacred texts or affirmations that resonate with your beliefs. Repeating these verses or affirmations can help you combat negative thoughts and emotions.

6. Express Your Feelings

Don’t be afraid to express your feelings during your prayer. Share your doubts, fears, and frustrations with your higher power. Remember that prayer is a form of communication, and being honest about your struggles can lead to a deeper connection with the divine.

Sample Prayer
“Dear [God/Higher Power/Deity], I confess my doubts and fears to you. I feel overwhelmed by this spiritual attack, and I need your help. Please grant me the strength to overcome these challenges and find peace in your presence.”

7. Seek Guidance

Ask for guidance on how to navigate the spiritual attack and strengthen your faith. Be open to receiving insights or inspiration during your prayer. Sometimes, a clear path forward may become apparent as you commune with your higher power.

8. Visualize Protection

During your prayer, you can also visualize yourself surrounded by a protective light or shield. Imagine this light or shield as a barrier that repels negative energies and influences. Visualization can be a powerful tool for strengthening your spiritual defenses.

9. Maintain a Prayer Routine

To build spiritual resilience and reduce the likelihood of future attacks, establish a regular prayer routine. Consistent prayer and spiritual practice can help you stay grounded and connected to your faith.

10. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to seek support from your faith community or a trusted spiritual advisor. They can offer guidance, prayers, and encouragement during difficult times. Sharing your experiences with others can provide comfort and strength.


Spiritual attacks are a natural part of the spiritual journey, but they need not leave you feeling helpless or defeated. By recognizing the signs of a spiritual attack and engaging in powerful, focused prayer, you can find strength, protection, and guidance to overcome these challenges. Remember that you are not alone in your spiritual journey, and your faith can be a source of immense resilience. Stay steadfast in your beliefs, trust in the power of prayer, and you will emerge from spiritual attacks stronger and more spiritually grounded than ever before.

https://innerpeacedivine.com/spiritual-awakening/: How to Pray When Under Spiritual Attack: A Guide to Finding Strength and Protection